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Top 10 types of travel agency customers

Top 10 types of travel agency customers

Posted on May 13 2019

Travel and tourism industry is an interesting field to work in, you daily get to know new types of customers with different cultures, needs,hobbies, and interests. To be efficient, and to offer more challenging products and services, you have to understand the mentality of your customers first,then offer different products to different categories of customers.

Let’s enumerate the types of customers you might meet, and identify their characteristics:

  1. The searcher: this type of customers tends to search for every available product, make a comparison between what you offer and what other travel agencies do, search for the cheapest price and best services, and regularly, this type of customers won’t mind spending a lot of time searching for the products and services that satisfy them.
  2. The Indecision: Be very careful  with the type of buyer or customer that has an interest in your products, who may find out what you offer is beneficial to them, but they’re too confused if your services are worth to pay for or not. Basically, because they’re afraid a better product is out there that they haven’t found yet. So, building trust between your travel agency and this type of customers will highly help them decide better and more efficiently.
  3. The loyal: Always special and dedicated services to be offered to the type of customers that always prefers to buy products and services from a specific store. This type of customers has the trust of who they deal with, and always finds what you offer them satisfying their needs. Losing the trust this type of customers have, is a big loss for your business because having the loyal type of customers, adds an extra value for your  business in general, and travel agencies specifically.
  4. The lazy: the type of customers that won’t bother to search for other products and make a comparison between different available products and choose the best among them.
  5. The only checking: this type can be named as a visitor and not as a customer. The type that prefers to only take a look at what you have and get to know the prices and the level of services. This type of customers tends to take a tour around all the available products, whether from your own travel agency or other travel agencies and see if your product is the best and how can he/she take advantage of your offers.
  6. The tour guide:this type of customers is the most preferred by travel agencies. The tour guide type always guides and enhances new customers to start using your products.They keep talking about how good your products and services are between family,friends, relatives, co-workers and any person that asks for a product recommendation.
  7. The thriftier: or what we can call “the discount hunter” . This type of customers, of course, can become thrifty at some point and look for the ultimate deal. But the thrifty type is always and forever hunting discounts.
  8. The impulsive:the type of customers that buys whatever they find suitable, even if they haven’t planned to buy it. If a product is good, the impulsive type will surely go for it no matter if they need it or not.
  9. The rude: the type of customers comes in different forms and shapes. They might provoke the employees or ask for whatever is not available in your services, complain a lot about what you offer them, and be a clumsy communicator who means no harm.
  10. The expert: the one who has tried all or most of the available services and makes a comparison between each. This type tends to be the most understanding types and always appreciates your valued products and services. If you are unique, the expert type has a high chance to become one of your loyal customers.

Each type of the above mentioned-customers have significant importance and approaching style/way and gain their trust and loyalty will be discussed in our upcoming blogs. Stay tuned and get to know how to satisfy their needs.

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